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Replacing a Boiler with a Heat Pump

Replacing a traditional boiler with a heat pump (HP) has become an attractive option for many environmentally conscious homeowners seeking more efficient heating solutions. 

In addition to reducing environmental impact, this transition can also lead to significant energy savings in the medium term. 

In this article, we will explore the benefits of replacing your boiler with a heat pump, key considerations, and the steps to successfully make this transition.

The Benefits of Replacing a Boiler with a Heat Pump

  • Increased Energy Efficiency: Heat pumps use renewable energy from the air, water, or ground to generate heat, significantly reducing energy consumption compared to combustion boilers

  • Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions: By utilizing a renewable energy source, heat pumps help reduce CO2 emissions and minimize their impact on climate change.

At intuis, the HRC70 and HTi70 heat pumps use the eco-friendly R290 refrigerant (a natural, HFC-free refrigerant) not subject to the European F-GAS regulations, which requires a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of less than 150. R290 has a GWP index of 3, which has almost no environmental impact.

  • Long-Term Financial Savings: While the initial cost of installing a heat pump may be higher, the energy bill savings over time offset this initial expense.

Key Considerations Before Replacement**

  • Condition of Existing Equipment: If your existing boiler is relatively new, it may be wise to retain it and install a hybrid heat pump. Intuis offers the Premium+ range, which allows you to use an existing boiler as a backup. The heat pump will cover most of the heating needs, with the boiler only used in rare extreme weather situations.

  • Analysis of Energy Consumption: It's essential to assess your current heating requirements and understand your energy consumption to choose a heat pump that suits your home.

  • Insulation and Air Tightness: Good insulation and airtightness in your home are crucial to optimize heat pump performance and reduce heat losses.

  • Adapting the Distribution System: Depending on the type of heat pump chosen, you may need to adapt the existing heat distribution system, such as radiators or underfloor heating. Note that intuis' high-temperature heat pumps are adaptable to all configurations and do not require radiator replacements.

Important: To successfully replace a boiler with a heat pump, it is recommended to engage a professional and obtain multiple quotes, as suggested by the AFPAC (French Association for Heat Pumps).

Main Steps of Replacement

1. Project Assessment:

Consult a qualified professional to evaluate your current installation, estimate heating requirements, and recommend the most suitable heat pump for your situation.

This diagnostic step is crucial and should be as accurate as possible. To achieve optimal performance, consider improving home insulation. You can also engage in an overall renovation program, which is favored for financial incentives.

In some cases, radiators (or other heat emitters) may need to be replaced. However, note that intuis' high-temperature heat pumps are a suitable replacement for older boilers and do not require replacing high-temperature radiators in place.

2. Heat Pump Installation:

Once the heat pump is selected, the professional will proceed with its installation, taking into account your home's specificities and adhering to relevant regulations.

Depending on your home's characteristics, your installer may need to prepare a sizing note for your future heat pump, enabling the correct choice of its capacity. Manufacturers provide installers with tools to create this note, which is a legal requirement to qualify for renovation incentives. Don't hesitate to request it from your installer, as it provides details of the analysis performed. The efficiency of your future heating system depends on it.

Consider existing equipment and recycling. For long-term interventions, and for your comfort, the temporary installation of an electric backup boiler may be a welcomed service.

Before installing the heat pump, the water circuit should be cleaned, purged, and treated. The quality of the water circuit directly impacts the heat pump's performance and durability.

Several best practices should be followed, such as installing air vents at high points, fitting shut-off valves for circuit maintenance, having a correctly sized expansion vessel, a mud separator for sedimentation, a corrosion inhibitor, exogel valves, filters, and more. This array of equipment ensures the quality of a healthy, efficient, and durable installation.

3. Configuration and Parameterization:

The heat pump must be correctly configured and parameterized to adapt to your existing heating system and ensure optimal performance.

Configuration is performed via the controller during the commissioning process. This includes setting up the system, such as water temperature regimes, domestic hot water function, etc., and initiates a circuit purging program.

We recommend sending warranty registration forms to our services so that the equipment is registered, and the commissioning is carried out by an intuis Certified Technical Station professional to qualify for an extended warranty.

4. Monitoring and Maintenance:

Regular monitoring and annual maintenance of your heat pump are essential to ensure its proper operation and maximize its lifespan.

Heat pump maintenance is straightforward and involves cleaning filters and the evaporator. However, as with any hydraulic installation, regular checks of water circuit quality, air purging, water turbidity verification, desludging if necessary, and water level checking are essential.

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intuis Solutions

If you're considering replacing your boiler with an intuis heat pump, rest assured that intuis high-temperature heat pumps are designed and manufactured in France.

They are efficient and environmentally friendly, providing comfort and durability.

Watch a video of a boiler replacement with an intuis heat pump, providing both heating and domestic hot water for a customer.